From the Cantabrian Sea to Toledo: The Hispanic "Mass Neuter” within a Romance and Typologycal Context (part II)




count/mass, semantic agreement, pronouns vs. adjectives, modifier vs. predicate, neuter in Romance


This article reviews the grammatical patterns of "mass neuter" agreements in the Iberian Peninsula from the data gathered for the Recorded Corpus of Rural Spanish, or COSER. As it is showed, "mass neuter" agreements happen to exist not only in Asturias and Cantabria but in Castille, from Cantabrian to Toledo mountains. Nevertheless "mass neuter" agreements are ruled by the same factors in the whole area. Hispanic mass agreements are compared and contrasted with data of neuter or mass agreements from other European languages or dialects (such as dialects from the center and south of Italy, Rhaeto-romance varieties, English dialects, Danish and Swedish) to conclude that all of them are constrained by one and the same universal hierarchy of semantic agreement. Following the pattern of this hierarchy, Hispanic "mass neuter" agreements probably arose as an extension of the meaning and morphology of Romance neuter demonstrative pronouns.


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How to Cite

Fernández Ordóñez, I. (2007). From the Cantabrian Sea to Toledo: The Hispanic "Mass Neuter” within a Romance and Typologycal Context (part II). Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (2), 29–81.